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Epitalon, Fountain of Youth?

Foto van schrijver: Dr Anne FierlafijnDr Anne Fierlafijn

What is the reason for many ailments and aging symptoms?

Read in the following article what can be an important reason and what a possible solution can offer to increase your well-being.

At the ends of our DNA strands are the telomeres. The telomere has as a function protecting the genome from the loss of information caused by cell division. This process leads to the shortening of the chromosomes. Unfortunately, it is inescapable that telomeres become shorter because with each cell division their replication is incomplete. Telomeres can be considered a reliable biological clock.

  • There is an enzyme called telomerase, which reverses the process of the degradation of telomeres. Telomerase ensures the production and growth of telomeres, thus restoring the DNA. Over time, however, the production of this enzyme stops.

  • Russian researchers have discovered a tetratripide capable of reactivating the production of telomerase in cells, restoring telomeres and deleting the entire body from a rejuvenation process. The aging is tackled at the source. Pr Khavinson's studies in the elderly have shown that these biopeptides improve physiological functions, and reduce mortality by almost 50% after 15 years.

  • The most studied biopeptide, known as epithalamine, is excreted by the epiphysis. This gland also separates melatonin.

  • Based on the many studies and tests with epitalone, which have been carried out for more than thirty-five years, we see that the genetic clock is reset to zero: the cells are once again given the ability to increase and renew, thereby reducing the body can repair the tissues, restore the immune system and keep the functions of the organs at optimal level.

Advantages of Epitalon:

As a result of the telomerase production effect of Epitalon, the benefits are unique and far-reaching, such as:

  • An increase in the life length of man by prolonging the telomeres in human cells.

  • Promote deeper sleep.

  • Procrastination and prevention of age-related conditions such as cancer, heart, and vascular diseases and dementia.

  • Works as an antioxidant by reducing Lipid oxidation and ROS and normalizes T cell function.

  • Improves health and skin views.

  • Repairs damaged and weakened muscle cells.

  • Restores and normalizes melatonin levels in older individuals who have impaired epiphysaire function by their age.

  • It can also increase resistance in emotional stress.

What is the best way to administer Epitalon?

  • Epitalon can best administer intramuscular orintra-travenous.

  • Intranasal sprays and transdermal administer are also available, but less efficient.

  • The oral application makes little sense again given the peptides do not survive the digestive enzymes.

A cure is usually a 1-2x daily injection of 5-10 mg for 10d and this for 3 months. This cycle can be repeated every year of every few years, as you consider it necessary for yourself.

Side effects?

No adverse reactions were noted for Epitalon in the more than 100 scientific studies that have already happened to this peptide or in repeated clinical use in Russia.

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